
What is an eva?

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What is an eva?




  1. EVA is a continuously running benchmark project for assessing the quality of protein structure prediction and secondary structure prediction methods. Methods for predicting both secondary structure and tertiary structure - including homology modeling, protein threading, and contact order prediction - are compared to results from each week's newly solved protein structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank. The project aims to determine the prediction accuracy that would be expected for non-expert users of common, publicly available prediction webservers; this is similar to the related LiveBench project and stands in contrast to the bi-yearly benchmark CASP, which aims to identify the maximum accuracy achievable by prediction experts

  2. Extravehicular-activity

    Extra-vehicular activity (EVA) is work done by an astronaut away from the Earth and outside of a spacecraft. The term most commonly applies to an EVA made outside a craft orbiting Earth (a spacewalk) but also applies to an EVA made on the surface of the Moon (a moonwalk). In the later lunar landing missions the command module pilot did an EVA to retrieve film canisters on the return trip.

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  3. the mother of all humankind?

    there had been some genetic research recently that traced many (but not all) people to a single female ancestor.

  4. like what-eva!
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