
What is an example of a metaphor from the play, The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde ?

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What is an example of a metaphor from the play, The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde ?




  1. the title to start... its about 2 friends who lie to their familiy to hang out. they both use the excuse that they are meeting "Earnest". but the families get annoyed, so they go to a meeting, and each friend poses as the other family's earnest. then the sisters of the 2 friends fall in love with who they believe is earnest. then they talk. they both like earnest. they both think that their earnest has cheated.

    the title refers to both the name earnest and the synonym of honest

  2. Just to add to the already-given answer, you get to read books by Oscar Wilde in the internet for free at different online resources. One example would be:

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