
What is an example of science and/or art vanishing the barriers of nationality?

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science and art belong to the whole world and before them vanish the barriers of nationality.

I need an example of this quote being true.




  1. The internet- as both science and art, it shows how a collective vision (like Wikipedia or Yahoo! Answers) can be created from the contribution of many users from around the world.

    Another example: film. American films today are influenced by the directorial visions of filmmakers of assorted nationalities (Mexico and China being the most prominent), who had previously absorbed an older generation of moviemaking techniques from both American and European directors.

    Tarantino's "Kill Bill" movies, for example, show the influence of Chinese martial arts movies, Italian "Spaghetti Westerns", and the works of directors like Hitchcock (U.K.) and Godard (France). And it should not surprise you to find Indian Bollywood films which in turn borrow from Tarantino's  films as well!

  2. I don't actually know if there is anything that reaches everybody I would feel happier about that quote if it said.... the potential for vanishing..... because I doubt that there is anything that universally potent.

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