
What is an ideal weight for being 5'6"?

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Well, I'm 5'6" and weigh 145. I don't feel fat, but i don't feel that slim either. I don't mind being at this weight, because i feel fine and i don't mind having curves and being the way i am, but what is the average weight for my height?




  1. Well, this is a rule of thumb, but it doesn't take into account age, lean muscle mass, s*x, etc.  For every inch over five feet, multiply by 5 and add to 100.  So with you, it would be 6 times 5=30+100=130.  I personally think 130 is kind of low for your height, but anyway, it's just a guideline...

  2. Go here. I probably shouldn't get credit for this, but:

  3. That's healthy for your height. It really depends on your frame size. A small framed person can carry less weight, and a larger framed person can carry more weight.

    If you feel good then you're fine!

  4. Depends on how much muslce / body fat % / build. You could be 5'6 weigh 150lbs but be 13% body fat (which is really good). Basically don't determain what you should weigh by pounds, but rather your body fat.

  5. If you're big boned or muscular, you're fine.

  6. That's a perfect weight for your height :)

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