
What is an idiom? give examples please..?

by  |  earlier

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I want to use this word..




  1. an idiom is a figure of speech that is not meant to be taken literally. its like an exaggeration of something, altho that is also another part of speech, called hyperbole.


    -stop beating around the bush (get straight to the point)

    -im so hungry i can eat a horse (im starving)

    -im stuck between a rock and a hard place (in the middle of a crisis, cannot decide)

  2. an idiom is a figure of speech that is not meant to be taken literally

    im so hungry that I could eat a horse/cow.

  3. Right, a figure of speech that does not mean what the word means.

    Ace= No 1 in cards.  You Aced that test, = Very good.  You are an ace= the best.  All right = reluctant agreement,  "All right, I'll Come!" All right= so-so " The show was all right".


    P.S. Don't let your homones get the better of you.  (you are playing with fire, to hot for words, you are drooling like a dog, panting infront of the hole. Crying at the moon.  Over sexed.)

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