
What is an imaginary friend?

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is it like when the child can actually visualise the `friend` or is just in there head?




  1. From my experience a child will start having imaginary friends if they are worried or anxious and it is their way of expressing their feelings and as a parent you can learn a lot about your child by "eavesdropping" on the conversation they have with their "friend". I've also been told that a very intelligent child has imaginary friends because their brain is so active.

  2. A imaginary friend is something a child makes up to keep them company.

    Only the child can see the imaginary friend.

    I had one when I was young,Soren Laurancen.

    He was short with scruffy brownish blonde hair.

    So the answer is both really.

    I hope i helped

  3. r u

  4. they make them up in their heads,if they could see people who weren't there it would be like something out of sixth sense.

  5. I had several imaginary friends they were small. They also were grey little guys with big black eyes. They would often take me on rides above the Earth.  

  6. a friend thats made in their heead,

  7. people say i have a imaginary friend just because they have never met him and they say he is bad for me sometimes people are tell the truth  

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