
What is an indigo?

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Today on the street, a lady, who claimed to be a psychic, came up to me and told me that I am an indigo? From what I have read on the web, indigo's lose their abilities when they get older, so is it possible that she was right?




  1. They're the New Age of kids, claiming they have physic and paranormal abilities because now humans are starting to evolve that way. I don't believe it, it took us millions of years to develop the brain we have now, we can't just all the sudden develop these new "abilities". Humans evolve to adapt to the world around us, and I don't think having these "abilities" is needed.

  2. They are a new generation of evolution. The world does need a lot of change. They are intuitive and often have psychic powers, or can see color/auras etc...

    I am 13 and many people say the same to me. Many people are skeptics and everybody has there own beliefs. I am not crazy or anything, but I have very strong spiritual beliefs. Just don't let all the negativity get you down.

  3. It's a great description of a parents excuse for a spoiled brat.Yes she was probably right.

  4. research indigo online. unfortunately, wikipedia isn't a credible source

  5. All I know indigo is a shade of color,

  6. Here's some information.

  7. Indigo Chilldren are suposed to be the next evolution of humankind - complete bullcrap if you ask me.

  8. The Indigo children are the souls that elected to come to Earth to assist in shifting the planet into a more holistic, loving and authentic place. The term SIndigo  is derived from the 6th chakra, the third eye, which is represented with the color indigo. Therefore, the Indigo children are highly intuitive and have the innate ability to sense when a person, or an organization is insincere, dishonest or does not have concern for the masses. Their life purpose is to transform the planet, rather than reinventing the wheel. They are here to teach us as much as we are here to guide and teach them. This is a major undertaking that requires diligence, charisma, intelligence and strength of character.

  9. An "Indigo child" is a child that is supposedly blessed with psychic abilities or some kind of higher consciousness nonsense. It basically New Agey c**p invented to help bad parents excuse their children's antisocial behavior by attributing it to the special needs they require as psychic, enlightened children. Isn't it better to say your kid is psychically gifted instead of being spoiled or having ADD or ADHD? Apparently some people think so.
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