
What is an indo-european?

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  1. a language group Most languages of India Europeand Iran  belong to it.English, Spanish,Hindi are some examples.

  2. Indo-European, which is sometimes referred to as Indo-Aryan, is a migration route that primarily Caucasians took, from India to Europe!

    It refers to a class of culture and language, as well as genetic makeup!

  3. Indo-European refers to a Language group. Do not make the mistake that it in anyway refers to a "race" of people because it does not, and even some European langauges arent part of this group.

  4. It's a linguistic terms for those languages gererally in Europe, Iran, and South Asia.

  5. Indo-European is not a defined race.

    The term is used more in historical context because there was a lot interaction between Europeans and Indians, e.g. in the development of language.

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