
What is an infant's consciousness?

by Guest61982  |  earlier

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I mean what does a baby feel..he merely feels basic instincts...hunger, love, pain his consciousness (in a spiritual sense) is not 100%

I know it as a fact that 10% of the baby's brain even develops outside of the baby is granted 100% consciousness by nature only later as he grows up? it is not born complete?

In that sense is an embryo 100% spiritually complete? (i mean is the spirit complete..or it adds on as the baby grows)

I hope I sound clear




  1. I think the answer to this question is the same as the answer to: How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

  2. Babies aren't just creatures, they have the most purest souls and they know when they are loved, they sense when you hate them and anyone that does oughta be ashamed of themselves. They DO love to eat, they love to be nurtured and pampered because they are, sadly- Human and we assume that they have no conscious when they are fully aware they are living beings. I know that you still most likely have gotten a strange memory of a place you thought you'd never been, THAT'S how you can tell you were conscious, you remembered.

  3. I think you should work out what a real baby actually wants and feels before you start dabbling with the spiritual side.

    What is this 'love' thing? The little mammal will bond easily with any organism that provides food and warmth.

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