
What is an injustice in your life? Serious answers pls.!!?

by Guest63967  |  earlier

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What is an injustice in your life? Serious answers pls.!!?




  1. Well, I can't say it was an Injustice, or I could...

    My Wife cheating on me TWICE.

    Now my Ex-Wife - Obviously.

    Plus unfair consideration by attorney's and the Court in my case, they threatened to kill me, but the Judge didn't allow me to play the tapes in Court.  That is Injustice.

  2. She is right Affirmative Action is bad

  3. Let's see, where do I start?  My mom allowed an elderly couple to adopt me when I was an infant b/c she was too selfish and irresponsible to raise me, the couple of course died while I was still very young, I was adopted by a second family who stole my $20,000 inheritance from the 1st family, not to mention they made my childhood h**l and their 30 yr old son molested me.  Then I found my birth mother at 17 and she totally screwed me over financially, and essentially caused me to go bankrupt at the age of 20.  On top of all that, my current husband, who I think is the love of my life has put me through absolute h**l, though now he has finally changed and treats me better, before we were married he lied to me a lot and left me to get back with his ex, and then left her and slept with one of my best friends.  Later, after we were married and our daughter was born he admitted to me that he still didn't love me as much as he loved his ex-girlfriend and that if she wanted him back now he might leave me for her.  Also that he never wanted to marry me and only did it b/c his Dad told him to.  You have to admit, that's pretty d**n hard to beat unless you are terminally ill or something.

  4. being cheated on. i mean wtf?

  5. My former best friend turned on me, but instead of curling up into the fetal position I made three new friends right away, uncharacteristic of my shy life. These were my roomates, and ironically I had more fun with them than I did with my former best friend. Well, me and him liked the same girl, one of my roomate's sisters, and she started to spend virtually all of her time at our house, leaving my former best friend friendless, as it were, since he would've felt awkward going to the house if I was there (because he only knew the others through me).

    Well, one day we made amends, and he started to come over to the house, and after about three weeks, things went sour again, but instead of just not coming anymore, he decided he was going to turn all of the roomates (and the girl) against me, and he was able to.

    I come home on a Monday and my three roomates want me out before the end of the day. I was homeless for 3 days, and then finally got an apartment.

    Although I made new friends right away after the first time, I didn't make any new friends after the second time, so it was a very lonely, quiet summer.

    On top of that, this former best friend of mine sent my younger bro nasty messages about me, and egged my car in November.

    Injustice? Yeah. I think that race had to do with it. It was all arbitrary, but people stick with their own, and I was the non-White guy out of the mix. Ironically, I'm an adoptee, and I tell my dad about these things, and he cries.

  6. Always knowing, but never becoming truly aware of all the isms in life. Unless you are a white man, rich, thin, good looking, aged 20-40, in shape, mentally and physically able, straight, and educated, we will all suffer from oppression at some point in our lives. I hadn't thought about this perfect example. At night, if I am walking alone, I walk briskly to get to my destination. Being a young woman, if I am aware that a man is behind me, I feel uneasy. However, men have a privilege that they don't even notice. They wouldn't care if a woman stepped out behind them in the dark night. This is one example of an injustice in my life.

  7. i am being deprived of a backyard with grass.


  8. I never realized how much effort goes into being a mother. Not only do you have to be a good mother, but you have to be a good wife, maid, cook, etc-and you get very little respect or recognition. Now that I have kids of my own, I wish I had been a better kid and shown more appreciation for ALL the things my mother did for me.

  9. The biggest injustice I have experienced is that I have worked my whole life getting good grades and being a good student, but I was passed over for a scholarship because I am caucasian, and the school was looking for a more "culturally unique" candidate.

  10. I clearly have a more unique and humourous personality (sorry for sounding vain) and I receive less attention then bitchy but pretty girls with shallow personalities.

    ...luckily I've let this pass over me and it doesn't bother me anymore.

    Mine is a bit lame, but I'm only in high school.. I'm sure bigger injustices will come up in later life.

  11. I'm middle class and white.  According to popular opinion, I can do no right.

  12. My Uncle embezzled the Trust Fund that my dad set up for my brother and me.  I wanted to see the paper work and he called me a " money grubbing, scum sucking mother f*cking b*tch."  I have never seen a dime of the money and he has never apologized.  I never made it to college and am working as a nanny making what works out to be less than minimum wage.

  13. I'm a middle class, white, male, period, but "the man" is still keeping me down.

  14. This might be a small thing on a global scale but I live in the so called "poorer" part of melbourne. The whole western side of the city gets only one platform at the train station . The eastern side has 3. We get the old trains, they get the new trains. We all pay the same goddam amount of money for the ticket. Maybe they have more people but the western side is growing rapidly. Plus our trams are c**p 20 year old ones and they get all the new futuristic ones. I hate them eastern suburb snobs.

  15. Please read:

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