
What is an inspirational language?

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I just started Honors French as a freshman this year and my teacher said that French is the second most inspirational language in the world, only to English. I later got in an argument with my sister about it so what is an "inspirational" language and can someone give me a list of the most inspirational languages in the world?




  1. Italian

    ..its so romanric, smooth, and very easy to learn...

  2. Well that certainly depends on how you define inspirational!

    I have a list and none ranks above the others because they have different reasons for being on the list.

    * Japanese/Chinese - the characters used to represent the words are very symbolic and while these languages may not sound appealing to the English-speaking ear, the written expression of them is graceful and precise.

    * Sign language - the facial expressions, energy, and symbolism of this language are fascinating! Sign language has a completely different grammatical structure than other languages and it has no real written counterpart. It's very difficult for hard-of-hearing or deaf peoples who rely on sign language to write well in their native auditory language because they may not be familiar with the grammar of it. SL leaves out small words (a, the, of - try reading something with these words!) and relies very heavily on body language of course.

    * French - the natural beauty of this language when well-spoken is a testament to its inspiration. :)

    * Latin - ahhh, the foundation of so many western languages today despite it's modern status of DEAD.

    * Italian - I think of it as a more rhythmic version of Spanish.

    * Spanish - after studying French I appreciate any language that pronounces phonetically and still sounds nice.

    * English - my native language (natural bias) and the opportunity to say the same thing in so many different ways make this language ideal for poets and literature.

    To be honest, I am fascinated by most languages I come into contact with (others not listed for the sake of having a list that actually means something - Arabic, Russian, German, Polish). All languages have a certain appeal - in their sound, their look, their history, etc. I really don't think it's fair with all of the languages and dialects of languages in the world to say one is the most inspirational. :)

    Some are certainly more widely spoken, but not necessarily because they're more inspirational.

  3. Japanese. And English. But English doesnt seem as inspirational because it's our originally spoken language.

  4. straight up English, from the all AMERICAN white girl (:

  5. I  would have to say Latin because it is a dead language but yet it is so pure and majestic.

    If that doesn't float your boat, then try Japanese because even though it may be hard to learn, it is a really nice language.

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