
What is an interesting fact about Mars?

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  1. lil wayne and the game are from it apparently hahah

  2. the most interesting fact, in my opinion comes not only from the traces of water, but the fact that the canyons are shaped not by wind, but by the flow of water. It was once abundant with water. It looks as though giant rivers once flowed over the surface.

  3. 4th planet from the Sum.

    Once had water.

    Earth sized

  4. It has the largest valcanoe in the milky way galexy.


  6. Mt. Olympus Mons (on mars) is three times higher than mount Everest

  7. Mars is a planet. thats the fact. further more, no life in Mars that the 2nd fact. if you want more, Mars is a red planet. still want some? our neighbor's dog name is Mars.

  8. that it is our neighbor?? but is still safe from human pervasion??? ;)

  9. were gana live their some day lol :) maybe life exists on it ;) signs of frozen ice =O could have developed into what earth is if the temp wasnt so extreme :D

  10. No women are from there...

  11. They found ice on Mars and large concentrations of salt. In order to have salt, you need an ocean. So at one point, there was an ocean on Mars.

  12. The largest volcano in the solar system is on Mars, called Olympus Mons

  13. Right now it's the brightest star

  14. Its atmospheric pressure, at surface level, is about 1/1000th that of Earth's.

    It has dust devils, just like here on Earth.

    The temperature of the ground can actually get up to about 70 degrees farenheit.

    It was just recently discovered that its soil is ideal for growing asparagus. (

  15. ummm the U.S. is wasting billions of dollars on sending probes to the planet.

  16. That we have found traces of water meaning there might be life on it

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