
What is an interesting questions to ask students in a high school for a statistics poll, nothing dirty?

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something interesting, nothing like, mcdonalds or burger king, something with more substance, any ideas? thanks!




  1. Who has tried or uses drugs or alcohol?

    Who thinks their parents just don't understand how things are now?

    How many books have you read that you did not have to? Who eats supper with their family?

    Do you believe in a supreme being?

    Have you ever cheated? Do you do it regularly?

    Have you ever or would you shop lift?

    Have you ever gone out of your way to help someone?

  2. Ranking of priorities - Either score Low - High or from Most important to Least important.

    Your Health

    Your Social Status

    Your Grades

    Your Family

    Your Friends

    Your School

    Your Town

    Your Environment

    Your Pets

    Your Future

    You could also rank future priorities by level of importance.

    Having Kids

    Having job with big $

    Having job with lots of personal satisfaction

    Having handsome spouse

    Having intelligent spouse

    Having influence in the community

    Another question that my friends and I have asked -

    Would you leap in front of a moving train to save:

    Your mom

    Your sibling

    Your kid

    Your friend

    An adult stranger

    A child stranger

    A dog

    Good Luck!

  3. "If you could change one thing about <insert your country here> to make it better, what would it be?"


    "What is the biggest problem currently facing <insert your country here> ?"

  4. ALOT of high school students feel isolated and lonley like no one knows what they're going through. Maybe something like "Do you ever feel isolated, lonley, or that other people don't understand you?"

    Hopefull alot of people answer yes, and the results would reassure alot of students.

  5. When did you go to sleep last night?

    What's the last thing that you and your parents argued about?

    How many different places have you lived in your life? (Or, what's the furthest from here you've lived?)

    I remember reading a story by a stat teacher who had a group of students who wanted to ask about AIDS at-risk behavior. She told them that they couldn't ask that. So they came up with the idea of asking some trivial question, then leading each student to a little table with cookies on it.

    What they were actually logging was whether they were more likely to take a cookie from the red plate or the white plate.

    LOL. Given that they learned they couldn't ask what they'd planned, I thought it was a brilliant solution.

    Let's see. Entertainment-based: what's the last musical artist or group you listened to? Or last TV show or movie you saw?

    Or you could ask them who they hope wins the presidency.

  6. A pop culture survey: What is their favorite kind of music? What is their favorite reality show? What is their favorite recent movie? Who is their favorite actor? etc.

  7. How important to you believe agriculture is in your life?  Most of them are going to answer that it's not important at all....yet they eat at least three times a day.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

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