
What is an interesting quote for raising the DRIVING age?

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i need a quote for my histroy report here is what i need: an interesting quote for raising the DRIVING age




  1. This came from;

    “Research in several countries has shown not only that the younger people are when they start to drive the higher the chances of having a serious or fatal crash within the first year of driving, but also that a young person's brain is not fully developed until after the teenage years have passed, and that this, in turn, also reduces a young person's abilities as a safe driver.

    Wisdom and any genuine desire to protect young people both undeniably dictate that it is better if teenagers do not start to drive until they are at least 17 or preferably 18 years old.

    It is noticeable that if parents can hold back a female for 6 months, so they do not start driving until 17 or 18, then one sees them mature at least 12 months. With males a hold back of about a year equals a maturity increase of about 6 months.”

    And I agree.

  2. Drive like h**l and you'll get there.

  3. Remove the Treat Raise the Age !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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