
What is an intersting angle to study on Vincent Van Gogh?

by Guest11007  |  earlier

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I'd like to stray away from his illnesses and concetrate more on his art.




  1. It's hard to talk about the art without first looking at the artist... What I have found interesting about Van Gogh was who he was friends with, meaning other artists. There are many paintings that look strangely familiar, with color, location, and technique. People later find out that, people thrive off one another and it wasn't abnormal that they painted together... Artists were pretty much influenced by the same people. One their "elders" (other artist that were mentors to them...) and museum objects. For example, Picasso was hugely influenced by African masks when an exploration came back. Unfortunately he "denied" ever seeing these masks, even though there was a picture of him in his studio with stolen African masks!  Maybe that can help you think outside the box! Good luck!

  2. try focusing on the impact his work has had on the artistic community. or you could turn all the paintings you find upside-down and write about the impression seeing his art from a different angle has made on you. have fun.

  3. Try to trace his influences in his work, who inspired him?

  4. people needing to still act normal when if there was no problems people would be bored with a 26 letter alphabet,., certain people get picked out to get sick,., to get conversation to regenerate

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