
What is an inverted p***s???????

by  |  earlier

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last day i was watching an episode of "the office"when this one came up as some sort of a disease




  1. Basically a p***s thats head is stuck inside the f******n.

  2. Turtle neck!

    When the head pops inside for a bit of peace and quiet.

  3. Vijay,

    Technically there is no such thing. When someone is very overweight or has a thick fat pad on their pubic area, the p***s can appear to be "buried" under the skin, especially in boys with small penises like those before puberty. This is called concealed p***s or buried p***s. The p***s is still present and normally shaped, but cannot be seen inside the fat. Serious weight loss is the "cure" and usually resolves the condition.

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