
What is an objective thinker?

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what are the traits of an objective thinker




  1. somebody who seems things in right perspective.........

  2. The simplest way that I can explain it is that objective is considered real/hard/concrete, and subjective is considered felt/believed/soft. In many people's minds, objective is fact and subjective is opinion. But I agree with the other poster - there is not as much objectivity as we are led to believe. The media claims to be "objective," and yet an objective US newspaper and an objective Chinese newspaper are going to give two completely different accounts of the same event. Much of science, however, is based on a claim to objectivity - we are just going to report the facts as opposed to religions and their superstitions.

    An objective thinker can supposedly step back and look at events without letting their own personal opinions color their results. The real world is quite different.

  3. Objectivity is the skill of being able to look at a situation beyond your own thoughts and feelings, which is called subjectivity. Objective thinking is the first step to any sort of diplomatic intelligence as well as scientific inference.

  4. There really isn't such a thing. Everyone brings to every single situation their own viewpoints and experiences (or lack of experiences) and that immediately renders them incapable of objective thought.

    But we can TRY to be objective, first by listening, then by assessing what we've learned and being aware that our own point of view might color our conclusions, and by taking into consideration other people's points of view who are party to it and trying, in our limited abilities, to understand it from that point of view.

    The main trait of an "objective" thinker is that he or she keeps an open mind!

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