
What is an "evil eye" ? Would an office psychopath have an "evil eye" ?

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<<The evil eye has struck [the peninsula][9] in its Islam so that [the land] decreased until whole regions and districts were despoiled of [the faith]>>

"Lament for Seville" 1267, translated




  1. evil eye is like when someone looks at you with...disgust kinda, like they&#039;re just staring at you with an evil look, an office psychopath couls definitely have that

  2. The evil eye is a projection of jealousy &amp; envy (the harmful kind; not &quot;I wish I also had like them,&quot; but, &quot;I wish I had instead of them. I should have it, they shouldn&#039;t!&quot;) or ill will and hatred on the phychic level by means of a glance or spoken word. (Psychic here doesn&#039;t mean &quot;psychic friends network&quot; and spooky music. It means that level of energy related to strong emotions, wants, loves, hatreds... This can be intentionally or unintentionally focussed and delivered with actual physical consequences.

    The quotation seems to be talking about the case of the Muslims in Spain who had a very high level of civilization and Islamic lifestyle, which the line says was spoiled by communal envy (from within the Muslims, each kingdom, principality and region plotting against the other, sowing distrust, betrayals and ever changing alliances and fighting internicine wars and using the non-Muslim communities as shifting allies in this) which struck at the root of their civilization, their religion. This covetessness and envy between them made them lose whole regions to the non-Muslim re-conquest of Spain. Of course this was written before the end of the story which came to its logical conclusion with the last Muslim kingdom in Spain (Granada) falling to Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492.

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