
What is another way to prevent a pollutant, if it is a farmer, instead of don't use pesticides ever?

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What is another way to prevent a pollutant, if it is a farmer, instead of don't use pesticides ever?




  1. Buffer strips of vegetation so that runoff doesn't enter the waterways, not using pesticides on a windy day, spraying according to the label, not spraying before it rains so that runoff goes into the waterways, turning off outside sprayers when cruising by waterways (can you tell I work with water?)...

    There are a LOT of ways to prevent pesticides from entering the environment, but the biggest way is to stop using them when they aren't needed! Oftentimes farmers just spray because they think they might have a problem, or they spray because they see a problem in one area. A farmer *could* spray in the spot with the problem only, or they could monitor pests and when the pests got out of hand, they could spray.

    There is a wonderful website from the University of California, Davis that is peer reviewed, meaning you can cite it with a confidence you can't usually have with internet sites. This website has tons of ideas for farming and urban uses, how to avoid using pesticides and how to use them correctly without harming the environment. Pesticides are just one aspect of pest control!! Just one aspect that we overly depend on (vs planting correct varieties, planting techniques, etc etc).

  2. don't use chemical furtilizer. Fish might eat it and die. use compost.

  3. Use organic fertilizer it naturally builds up crops resistance.

    Use herbal pesticides instead of chemical ones.

    Plant lots of trees on riverbanks,roadsides and around water bodies.

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