
What is anthropoligy?

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and what exacley do anthrpologists do?

and please dont copy and paste something from the interent.

someone who knows what they are tlaking about and can make it pretty brief?





  1. Anthropology is the study of all humans in all times. There are 4 major fields: Archaeology - the study of past cultures, linguistic- study of language, socio/cultural- the study of culture and cultures, and evolutionary- the study of human evolution. Basically, anthropology is anything and everything having to do with humans.

  2. Anthropology is the study of different cultural groups.

    There are different schools of thought about how an anthropologist should go about doing this - the basic two differences that I heard about in school (I have a BA in Anthropology) - are the group that believes one can only learn about a group by immersing themselves into the group and language.

    Another group believes that the best way to learn about a group is to observe it at a bit of a distance, maintaining an outsider status - more like a scientist rather than a living member of the group.

    There are also anthroplogists that only study cultures that no longer exist in the modern world.

  3. Anthropology is the scientific study of the origin, behavior, physical variation, and cultural development of human beings.

    It has servral branches in which Cultural and physical anthropology are main.

    anthropologists study, examined and give advise  why this is happen or we can say they study the man in time and space where time refer different chronological time period and space meas different geographical places

  4. anthoropology the study of the human race, its culture and society and its physical development. It is part of what a psychology study about.

  5. The study of British Royalty, I think

  6. It is the pology of ants.
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