
What is appealing about cigarettes?

by  |  earlier

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I am 15, and on my walk home I was behind kids of the same age while they were smoking. I thought this was absolutely idiotic, to smoke in general, but to also do it on a two mile walk. What is the appeal?

The only thing I could come up with is that it makes them feel grown up. The same way carrying a coffee cup makes me feel. Like a busy women on the go..!

Well, I only drink tea, so even that is beyond the point.

I have no clue why people start this habit.

Especially kids.

If you smoke, no matter the age, can you tell me why you do it?




  1. Nothing.

  2. There isnt one single thing appealing about a cigarette. It smells nasty, its makes your fingers turn yellow, gives you bad breath oh and did I mention it KIlls you...

  3. It is a  forbidden practice for children and children will often do something which is forbidden by adults in recalcitrance to adult authority.

    The influence to smoke starts with the examples of the habit givenby adults around the children from a very young age and also on the television, films etc, then a catalysing dynamic in a peer group of one or more kids who have been so influenced and want to try smoking a cigarette for the first time will embroil others into that first time smoke as moral support within the peer group, so instead of that one or two in a group, you get three or more trying it, one or two in that group of three or more were actually the ones initially influenced, others may never have been influenced much until the peer pressure dynamic.

    Nicotine is a powerful neurostimulant which have dopamine receptors going mad with withdrawal instantly, the addictive qualities of Nicotine are greater than Crack Cocaine and from that initial peer pressure dynamic in the main group and the catalysts who were originally influenced, you will get a few hardcore smokers, a few light smokers and some who don't like it or are influenced to stop by parents and/or teachers, as the habit spreads throughout the extended peer groupings of that generation.

    But i think it is mainly individuals influenced by parents and adults around them as well as subliminal endorsement in TV and films who become the main smokers then the domino effect to a few others in their peer group they in turn encourage which is where most smokers originate from.

    The rest is pretty much textbook addiction psychology and neuroscience.

  4. well i dont smoke ciggs

    i smoke hookah, it tastes really good and its relaxing

    and i smoke weed because i like how it makes me feel


  5. I don't know about it making you feel grown up. In my case, I smoke because it is a pleasurable thing to do. It is just enjoyable, relaxing, and quite sensual.

    When do you think you will try it? You are thinking about it, right?

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