
What is appropriate attire for a woman visiting Guatemala City to wear at this time of year?

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I have heard it is inappropriate to wear shorts and that shoulders should be covered. Is this accurate?




  1. It's Guatemala, not the Middle East.  You will be fine in shorts and a Tank Top.  My wife and I visit every other year and that's what she wears.

  2. you can wear shorts and tanks if you want.  I'm from Guatemala and all the people here wear clothes like in USA.  The weather is almost the same all the year, is like spring all the time. The highs and lows are between 60 to 72 degrees.

  3. Depends where are you going, it has places that are a little bit cold, and others very warm

    If you go to Tikal, bring light clothes, a lot of insect repellent. The best is to bring hiking clothes, (pants and long sleve bloses) that are made for warm weather

    If you go to Chichicastenango and Atitlan, bring swimsuits, shorts, short sleve blouses and a jacket and jeans for the night.

  4. I live in Guatemala.... I'm wearing shorts at the moment!  I live in Villa Nueva where it can get pretty hot, so I wear tank tops all the time!!

    People basically dress just like they do in the US... well... more or less...  

    Anything is fine!

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