
What is appropriate for a 14 year old to do with her boyfriend?

by Guest65006  |  earlier

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my boyfriend and i go to his house when no one is there and we go sit on his bed and makeout and while we are making out he unbuttons my polo shirt and starts to feel on my chest and then i sit on his lap and gives him a lap dance then i get up and kiss him then we start to watch tv or play a video game and when he gets up for something he starts to feel on my chest or try to give me a massage or something then we may get on the computer he holds my hand and tells me he loves me

THATS WHAT i do with my boyfriend,is that appropriate and what is appropriate to u for a 14 year old to do with her boyfriend




  1. I wish you wouldn't do that.

    Here comes the lecture.......

    Please consider your reputation. Yes, I know you *love* him, and all, but what happens when you go back to school and one of you falls in love with someone else. Then this boy decides to tell all his friends that you give lap dances and let him feel you up. then all those boys snicker and tell their mom's .. then all those mom's pass around the info, and you're known as the bad girl.

    Or when everyone in school thinks you're damaged goods because it's hard to tell what this boy will say when the two of you get into a fight.

    Then who knows how much luck you'll have finding a *good boy* when you're 17 or 18.

    Or how about when your mom or dad find out and they don't trust you anymore.

    now, did you know STD's are so rampant in a school district in PA that they had to send home information packs to the parents, so they could get their children tested. Herpes is for life. Aids is for life. Warts is for life. Other STD's can ruin your chances at reproduction.

    Condoms are NOT 100% protection from pregnncy and STD's and one time *slipping up* can ruin your life.

    Please hope that he doesn't have a web cam on when you are doing lap dances.

  2. I agree with "bookmom" word for word. If you keep it up, s*x is gonna happen. Are you ready for that? Slow it down. Why are you there when his parents aren't? Is he allowed to date yet? You are treading on thin ice here. Lap dance??!! I am 30yo and I don't even know for certain what a lapdance is. If your parents don't know you date, tell them. If you can't be honest, you aren't ready for the responsibility that comes along with s*x. Have him come to your house, and go to his, while the parents are home, to meet them. Have dinner, watch a movie together at your house. If he doesn't want to meet your parents, or let you meet his, he isn't worth your time. Besides, if all you ever do is get felt up, what kind of relationship are you building? Show him you deserve more than that. If you truly love each other, share things other than s*x. Learn how to build valuable relationships with a man. Prove yourself to be a worthwhile and decent young lady. If you do this, you will have better relationships in the future. Always be honest with your parents. They have your best interest in mind. More than some smelly boy, who at 14 or 15, can't do much for you anyhow. Truly, boys are just trouble at this age.

  3. When I was 14, ten years ago, I had a boyfriend and we did stuff close to what you are doing. Maybe I was 15 when we went that far. I'm not saying its wrong or have to make sure you always feel comfortable. I felt very comfortable with him at 14 and we stayed together for 4 years. Don't rush, don't let him pressure you, and be careful with your body and with your heart. Its hard at 14 to know what you're feeling. That boyfriend and I never had intercourse but we did everything I'm with my fiance and he is the first guy I had s*x with. I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to have only done that with him and no other guy. Have fun but enjoy your teenage years, they are tough but you'll miss them one day.

  4. That sounds alright for your age. Just know that it can lead to more very quickly. If you are letting him feel your chest I'm sure while doing this he is wanting more and a lap dance will make him very excited as well. You need to make sure that you are both in agreement that it will not go farther and have fun while your young. But not to much fun Yet!

  5. Talking on the phone, sitting outside talking, hanging out at the mall...  

    You say you've never had s*x yet but it is only a matter of time before all that "making out" leads to s*x. Make sure you have birth control, or better yet, don't be alone in the house anymore. Then you won't be able to have s*x with him which is the best answer for ANY 14 year  old.

    Trust me on this, wait it out.

  6. umm 14 is a little too young for him to be putting his hand down your shirt and you giving him lap dances in my opinion

  7. wowww.... well thats not as bad as what some of my friends have done....but i feel like you have all the time in the world to "do sexual things" and your just entering highschool.....besides if word ever got out that you were doing that it could give you a veryyy bad reputation....and trust me when your in highschool and you get a bad reputation you cannot get your old one are labeled as that forever.

  8. society tells us all s*x is wrong until you are married or an adult, but mother nature, hormones and love at all ages tell us otherwise .

    If it feels wrong to you, you feel guilty and have to ask, then  it is not appropriate for you at this time.

  9. I am having a hard time answering this question because I can't seem to get past the notion that a 14 year old girl knows what a "lap dance" is....and you know about this how????

    I think going to his house when his parents aren't home is putting yourself in a situation which will eventually lead to problems of one kind or another. How old is he????

    It's good you're not having s*x---but it doesn't sound like that is far off. Not good. You're too young for this. Throttle back. Let him feel you up when you're 16.

  10. My sister is 14 and i would hate for her to do what you do! but times have moved on from when i was 14 but please please please be careful and do not do anything you feel uncomfortable with and bear in mind you are underage!

  11. first of all if my daughters ever did that when they were living under my roof they would be grounded until they went to college. that is way inappropriate for a 14 year old to be doing with her boyfriend. and it's good you didn't have s*x and don't

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