
&What is are some good middle names?

by Guest10715  |  earlier

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♥ What are some good middle names for Jadalyn(Jada)? My husband and I are expecting twin girls in Dec. We really like the name Jadalyn (Jada) for one of our baby girls.

Thanks for the help and please no rude answers.




  1. First I think Jadalyn is a beautiful choice. I wanted to give my son an unusual name. What we did with him is give him a normal first name and an unusual middle name, Markus Wolf. This way if he ended up being conservative and straight laced he could go by his first name, but if he ended up a little off beat like his parents he could by his middle name. What I'm suggesting, =), is maybe you should go a little conservative with a middle name just in case she hates it.

  2. I love the name Jadalyn.  

    Jadalyn Claire

    Jadalyn Charlotte

    Jadalyn Sophie

    Jadalyn Stephanie

    Jadalyn Olivia

    Jadalyn Hannah

    Jadalyn Chloe

    I think Jadalyn and Tahlia go really well together

    Jadalyn Claire and Tahlia Sophie :)

  3. Jadalyn is pretty. I would go with Jadalyn Olivia (traditional) or Jadalyn Arielle (more now)

    What about your other twin?  Whats her name gonna be?

  4. jadalyn elizabeth

  5. Jadalyn Sophia

    Jadalyn Victoria!


    Goodluck and all the best.


  6. Jadalyn Grace

    is very pretty

    What are you gonna name other twin ?


    Madelyn Nicole

    sounds lovely with Jadalyn Grace

    Jada and Maddie



  7. Jadalyn Anastasia

    Jadalyn Breanne

    Jadalyn Cynthis

  8. Jadalyn Elise

    Jadalyn Karina

    Jadalyn Merisa

    Jadalyn Corinne

    Jadalyn Michelle

    Jadalyn Ashtyn

    Jadalyn Vanessa

  9. Jadalyn Michelle

    Jadalyn Micaylie

    Jadalyn Christine

    Jadalyn Elizabeth

    Jadalyn Nicole

    Jadalyn Georgina

    Jadalyn Renee

    Jadalyn Harper

    Jadalyn Carter

    Jadalyn Rose

  10. i <3 Jadelyn! i think Jadalyn Grace sounds lovely.

  11. Since Jadalyn is unique, I would pick something more conservative like Marie.  

  12. How about Jadalyn annaleia

  13. Jada-Lynn McCree

    Jada-Lynn Grace

    Jada-Lynn Faith

    and your other daughters name could be

    Madi-Nicole Caroline

    Madi-Nicole Grace

    Madi-Nicole Faith

  14. I really love this name! It's really gorgeous.

    Jadalyn Marie

    Jadalyn Ann

    Jadalyn Rose

    Jadalyn Grace

    Jadalyn Claire

    Jadalyn Rae

    Jadalyn Mae

    Jadalyn Elizabeth

    Jadalyn Lorraine

    Jadalyn Nicole

    Jadalyn Madeleine

    Jadalyn Catherine

    Jadalyn Christine

    Jadalyn Isabelle

    Jadalyn Louise

    Jadalyn Abigail

    Jadalyn Elise

    Jadalyn Michelle

    Jadalyn Morgan

    Jadalyn Natalie

    Jadalyn Gail

    Jadalyn Denise

    Jadalyn Olivia

    Jadalyn Malissa

    Jadalyn Rebbecca

    Jadalyn Emily

  15. Jadalyn Aurora

  16. ok, well i dont think you should go with something plain like hannah or mary, u should go with unique names, but don't make them up =) maybe you could use a theme, like flowers, and give one of the twins the middle name lily and the other rose. I like the name Daniella and Jade. You can even use words that arent usually names, like i read a book about this family that really like music, so they're kids names where chord and sharp. Maybe Sapphire, and Diamond. Or Ruby. Think about something you and your husband like to do, or see! Hope this helps!

  17. Jadalyn is really cute!

    Jadalyn West (sounds like an actress, haha)

    Jadalyn Kalina (Kuh-lee-nuh)

    Jadalyn Susanne

    Jadalyn Elyse

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