
What is/are the COUNTRY/COUNTRIES you would not like to visit and why?

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Personally I wouldn't like to visit China, Pakistan & Afghanistan..... Reasons???? I wouldn't like to visit China due to the language. I think Chinese is a very complicated language and I don't believe I can get by there!

Pakistan & Afghanistan are not PEACEFUL countries so I wouldn't like to live in such an INCERTITUDE....

What do you say???





  1. their is not a country in the world that i would not like to visit, i try not to have preconceived ideas about any nation or people. xenophobia is all to common.

  2. Hey don't be silly, in China most people speak English these days I 'd been there so I know. Besides, they are quite friendly and kind.

    I wouldn't like to visit Afghanistan, Iraq and all Middle East countries cause it's scary when you heard about so many kidnapping stories and bombing can happen at any minute.

  3. USA...The customs treat you like criminals.

    Zimbabwe...Self preservation.



    Afghanistan...ditto. attraction

  4. North Korea.

    (they have concentration camps for the disobedient!!!)

  5. i agree with your choices

    i wouldn't want to visit iran or korea either

    iran is certainly not user friendly to women travelling alone

  6. USA

    because not PEACEFUL country too

  7. Israel because I bring support to Palestina.

    USA because give support to make the war in irak and as you can see... i love arab people (they are not terrorists) and ... i HAVE to go there... i usually go to USA

    Maybe.... maybe Japan or China.... because the language.

  8. wow i'd love to visit china. in fact i'm going to asia in summer and cant speak one word of the language. i guess i find that exciting though!

    i would like to visit most places as i'm very interested in seeing as much of the world as possible. i would steer clear of certain countries/areas due to disease/war/unrest etc.

    dont forget many countries are portrayed in a bad light through the media

  9. Africa.....because it's  overpopulated, disease ridden, muddy, dirty, and always has it's hand out.

    China....because of it's inhumane attitude, and cruelty to animals.

    Iraq...........who would want to go there?

  10. I have never wanted to visit any other countries i prefer my own country Scotland.

  11. i always wanted to go to columbia dunno why it always sounded interesting -of course now im grown up ive changed my mind- i also wouldnt go to any countries where women are treated like secon/third class citizens either so i guess that rules out a lot of the middle eastern countries amongst others

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