
What is (are) the best non-prescription erectile enhancement supplements?

by Guest57112  |  earlier

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I don't have ED as such...

Just 40, and the ol' libido is starting to take a bit of a nosedive.

Plus, I'd like to be able to pleasure my Queen...well, more than once if you catch my drift.

Provided there's a good, natural way to do that.

Thanks for any help you might lend, and thanks for taking this seriously. :)




  1. the bigger picture is:

    - what's your diet/lifestyle like? smoke, drink etc.

    - Have you had your prostate checked?

    - what's your stress level like? Every man is different and comparing yourself or wanting to be like them may add unwanted stress and cause you to feel defeated.

    I ask because all those things can be contributing factors to your issue. I think once you explore all those then you should look at other alternatives.

    Take pleasure in what you do give your Queen as well prolong foreplay a bit. According to some research s*x that lasts more than 8 minutes can cause your woman to feel like she's not able to pleasure you...

  2. im with you brother,

    try labidomax (spelling? maybe labedomax??)

    they used to sell it at wallmarts in las vegas- now i can only find them at GNC or other suppliment stores.

    the cool thing is the increased passion! If you are like me and have trouble feeling passionate after a long work day or with other things on your mind than this is the thing to get you back to normal!

    the effects I notice (your results may differ) is that i take two, and i dont notice anything different, but when my GF comes over- she is the only thing i am interested in! no other thoughts distract me. that is what helps for stronger erections and more than one round in the sack!

    try it out, you will like it

  3. The natural way: garters, hose, and heels. Works everytime for me.:)

    Go to GNC or some other health store, and get horny goatweed. It is a native plant, and does appear to increase libido.

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