
What is art? Can be defined in ay way or not?

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i no dis is a philosophical qn but i realli need it to no da nas 4 an exam. what exactly is art? is it a form of way an artist or artisan or writer expresses themselves and a reflection on them, their thoughts and the perspective they look at things?




  1. Unfortunately, art is governed by taste. Take minimalist art for example, which was popular in the '60s and 70's. The 'artist' glues a coat hanger to a brick and calls it art. Is it? I don't think so, even though it is an original question. I also rule out Andy Warhol as an artist. His paintings of Campbell Soup cans are ludicrous.

    There are considerable cultural barriers in perceiving art. I think Christina Aquilera  is a wonderful and s**y singer. A strict Muslim can only think of her as a w***e. The British had a very hard time appreciating the sculpture of India, because so much of it was voluptuous.

    Some arts, though, transcend culture. One such art is music.

    It's true that fundamentalist Christians don't like blues, rhythm and blues or rock 'n roll, but this was because they didn't like Africans. Later they complained that the music is degenerate, despite very spiritual songs such as "All You Need is Love" by the Beatles. Muslims still complain that Western music (especially rock 'n roll) is degenerate because for one thing men and women dance together, and not even with their own spouses. Horrors! But for the most part people like or love music, and this is universal.

    The arts and crafts used to be lumped together  They became separated in the Renaissance. Generally, a craft product can be easily mass produced in quantity. Sculpture cannot. Michaelangelo's David is 16 feet high. It is truly a masterpiece and was recognized as such in his own lifetime. Fresco painting is very demanding - the paint must be applied while the plaster is still damp, and there is no room for error. Ballet is another art, as the form takes years to master and considerable talent. I would also call figure skating an art, as this too takes years of training.

    It can be difficult to separate an art from a craft. Take photography for example - you might think it's easy to take a good photograph, but there is definitely a craft to this. Ansel Adams left behind a stunning body of work of nature photography. Stieglitz, I think it was, took a photo of the famous but ruthless banker J.P. Morgan sitting in a chair. The sunlight gleaming on the arm of a chair looks like a dagger in his hand. This is art.

    Quilting is another craft that is really an art. Before the introduction of modern sewing machines it took weeks to months to make a single quilt. Go to a quilt museum - you'll be impressed.

  2. To paraphrase Ezra Pound - Art [Image] is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time.

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