
What is artificial insemination? and what is selective breeding?

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what is embryo transplant

and what is tissue culture

what is plant culture

please explan what

all are because i really dont know thanks in advance =)




  1. An embryo transplant is when embryos are surgically placed in a female recipient who then carries the embryos to term and gives birth to offspring.

  2. Ponydoc is correct.

    The term plant culture means selective propogation of a particular plant species either in open farm or in a green house.

  3. Artificial insemination is when the sperm is taken from the male animal (human or otherwise) and put into the female "artificially."  With animals (I don't know about humans), the s***n is often diluted and split, so one ejaculation can result in many inseminations.  It is done for a couple of main reasons:  safety of the male (breeding in the wild can be quite dangerous), especially if the male is very valuable, and because the s***n can be diluted.

    Selective breeding is when certain qualities are selected, then the animals bred with the intentions of magnifying the good qualities and hopefully eliminating the bad qualities.  The first example that comes to my mind, since we bred these, is what we call "3-way black baldies."  Angus bulls are bred to Hereford cows.  Hereford cows have problems with pinkeye.  Angus calves tend to be very large and result in calving difficulties.  The black baldies that are born nearly always look like black Herefords.  No problems with pinkeye, smaller calves are born.  Then when those heifers reach breeding age they are bred to a Charolais bull to produce very large, fast-growing calves to take to market.

    Embryo transplant is when the fertilized egg, at a certain stage in development (the embryo), is removed from the female and placed in another, surrogate female.  With animals this may be done because the female is too valuable to risk putting through gestation and parturition (pregnancy and birth) or perhaps she's a working animal such as a racehorse and the owners want to continue racing her, but still have her foals soon.  Or it may be done if an animal has repeated complications with gestation and can't carry the embryo to term herself.

    Tissue culture is where tissue (i.e., skin, muscle tissue, etc.) is grown artificially, either in a laboratory or on the animal itself.  The tissue may be started from stem cells removed from the animal.  I don't know much about tissue culture as I've never been involved with it, but skin grafts is a very simple type of tissue culture.  Though the skin is taken from the injured person and grows on the person, it is skin grown artificially, so it qualifies as "tissue culture."

    I'm not a plant expert, so I can't help you with that, but I assume from the terms that it's growing plants either in a natural or artifical environment.

  4. Artificial Insimination is when a woman has sperm placed into her v****a to get pregnant rather than actually having sxex. It is usually by a tool similar to a baster.

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