
What is aspiration??? please give me a brief explanation?

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What is aspiration??? please give me a brief explanation?




  1. Inhaling a foreign object into the windpipe, choking.

  2. things you wanna do in your life.

    or just little things you want to do.

    like if its money a big thing would be like earn 5000 dollars

    but a little thing would be like buy anew table or something

  3. aspiration

       -a strong desire to achieve something high or great

       -the object of such desire

  4. It is

    1. a hope/desire for the future (something you aspire to) or  

    2. the inhaling of something (air, saliva, a beverage, etc) into the windpipe

  5. "He who shoots at the mid-day sun, though he be so sure he shall never hit the mark, yet as sure as he is, he shall shoot higher than he who aims at a bush."

    --Sir Phillip Sidney, English writer (1554-1586), _Arcadia_.

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