
What is astrological meaning of 1st August Solar eclipse in Leo, nine degrees?

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It will be conjunct my natal moon and saturn by three degrees; trine my venus and neptune...any honest and positive advice from astrologers welcome.





  1. When someone's natal Moon is involved in a Solar eclipse, (and you have Saturn too!), you'll get a month's worth of yucky stuff happening.  :-(  Be glad it's not your Sun, which would last a LOT longer.

    Nothing you can do about it, but buckle your seat belt and stride forward like a warrior, ready to meet the tests. :-)

  2. Because this is a New Moon in the sign of Leo, the solar eclipse will pack a double powerful punch where new beginnings are concerned. New Moons are all about making that cut from the past and moving on to bigger, better pastures.

    This is especially so in the dramatic sign of Leo, which is all about enhancing creativity and indulging in romantic pleasure and the creative arts - music, painting, singing, dancing, you name it...When this conjuncts your natal Moon AND Saturn, what you will instinctively feel is an intense desire to get along with all the Leo natal energy dying to break loose BUT at the same time, there will be heightened sense of limitation as to what you are emotionally able to achieve. Your emotional need to shine like a proud mama lioness will be felt nonetheless.

    Saturn conjuncts the New Moon transit will add heightened feelings of restriction and limitations... though these will be somewhat offset by the trine aspect with Venus and Neptune. You will be able to resonate with the fiery energies of Venus and this should manifest itself in greater desire to start a new cycle in socializing or making new contacts. Your sense of aesthetic appreciation and idealism will also be greatly enhanced at this point and Saturn should be able to add as a source of strength, of added stabilizing influence to ground any Neptune delusions/illusions from going overboard.

    All in all, this is a great time to do what you consciously want to, indulge in any forms of creative endeavors, do something which you are passionate about (esp. so since Leo rules the Heart) or just simply feed the Inner Child and learn to be a Child all over again...this is a time to focus on your own individual needs instead of tending to the needs of others.

  3. Please note that eclipse does NOT occur in leo, except by theoretical tropical zodiacs. The eclipse ACTUALLY happens in Cancer.

    What happens during an eclipse, as I understand it, is that the Sun and Moon conjoin - this normally simply produces a new moon, but every few years they conjoin in additional conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, the northern or southern node. (The current eclipse is 9 degrees conjunct with Ketu). In effect what happens is that Ketu destroys all the significations of the two extremely important planets: Sun and Moon. Additionally the natal house of the sign this takes place in (Cancer in this eclipse) is ruined especially during the eclipse. The moon passes out of range of Ketu within a day or two of the eclipse and things improve significantly (in this case, 2 days). The sun however, moves more slowly, and suffers the effects of close conjunction with Ketu for 2 weeks or more.

    To consider an eclipse positive in any sense except for the advancement of destruction or perhaps revolution is contradictory to any ancient wisdom that I know of.

    The eclipse happening in close conjunction with your natal moon and saturn is very damaging. Be careful of your relationship with your mother. Wear a pearl on your skin. If possible you should chant Matras for the sun and moon.. Here they are in english:

    SUN -

    japaa kusuma-sankarsham kashyapeyam mahaa-dyutim.
tamorim sarva-papa-ghnam pranatosmi divaa-karam.

    “I fold my hands to the Sun, the maker of light, the destroyer of evil, the enemy of darkness, the effulgent son of Kashyapa, who is as attractive as a Japaa flower.”

    MOON -

    Dahhi-shankha-tusharabham kshirodarnava-sambhavam

    namami shashinam soman sambhor mukta-bhushanam

    "I offer my obeisances to the Moon, whose complexion resembles yoghurt, the whiteness of conch shells, and snow. She is the ruling deity of the nectar of immortality, born from the ocean of milk, and she serves on the ornament on the top of the head of Lord Shiva."

  4. I agree with Astro lady. Become aware of your creativity and new directions in which this may take you. Eclipses are new doors opening in the areas designated by the houses in which the axis falls i.e. Leo- Aquarius. I would think changes in your daily routines , perhaps for your mother, possibly girlfriends

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