
What is at the end of everything?

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Does anybody know?




  1. I disbelieve in dark matter even as a place-holder.  Along with an increasing number of astronomers I don't think there is enough matter in the universe to cause contraction, therefore the final disposition of the universe (not an end in the usual sense since the universe, or everything, is a very special case) will be to expand infinitely, becoming colder and colder and darker and darker.  Eventually the conditions for life will not exist--anywhere--but matter will go on expanding away from itself in all directions forever.  This makes life incidental to the history of the universe, a rather sobering conclusion, but well, there it is.

  2. the beginning of everything

  3. your question

  4. Philosophically speaking:

    Nothing is  the opposed of everything, but the end of everything is the everything itself, as nothing can come to existence unless it has an exact opposite.

    Pragmatically speaking when you have everything it's worth nothing, and that's the end of everything. Basically AT the end of everything you can find only everything, but you became aware of it only as compared to nothing.

    Pessimistically speaking:

    At the end of everything stands the loss of our consciousness, (and that makes us sad now),but then we wouldn't know we've lost it, right?

    Optimistically speaking:

    At the end of everything we can create whatever we please.

  5. Soggly and his infinite wisdom.


  6. A "G"

  7. Nothing

  8. a new beggining

  9. the letter g, haha

    anyway, at the end of everything is nothing,...

    i mean im not scientist but that's what i assume

  10. Apple Pie...

  11. When entire universe is collapse. Nothing last forever and it goes the same for our universe.

  12. Your faith tells you what. What you WANT to be the end tells you what.

    But otherwise, wouldn't it make sense if you try and live your life while you're alive instead of trying to foresee the end already?

  13. An allusion. There is no ending. 'It's not the end of the universe' is said in a way in which something could be and belittles the predicament in question. In reality the statement is true. There is no ending or no beginning for that matter.

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