
What is at the end of space?

by Guest64196  |  earlier

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I've always wanted 2 know so plz answer!




  1. The question should be...''Is there an end to space??"

  2. Well that depends on what you think, wheter space goes on forever, whether it is an actual size, if it expands and collapses or if you wil get back to where you are what ever dirrection you travel in.

  3. If Space is finite. Then what is there beyond end of space ?

    If Time is finite. Then what after the end of time ?

    I think Time & Space are infinite entities !

    Space is Everywhere . . .

    Time is Always . . .

  4. a massive expanse of almost nothing ness, much like the universe we live in before the big bang. By the way, i am only theorising here.

  5. Uranus

  6. Far be it from me to plagiarise someone who knows the subject better than myself, so I'll direct you to this link instead, which cites the widely held theory there is no 'edge', as the universe is curved, not flat, thanks to gravitational forces:

    Colombus thought there was an edge to the world too. Boy was he surprised.

  7. Neverland

  8. A new universe

  9. more space there is no end, not that we understand yet anyway.

  10. I once read or was told that Einstein thought that space is on a curvature. If a person traveled far enough, he would come back to where he started.

  11. i think its a new world of lil pink people fylying around and sutff, lol i dnt no but would be nice 2 no

  12. more space...The concept of infinity is hard to grasp isn't it ?

    alternate humorous answer: all the odd socks ever lost in the laundry.

  13. There's no end to space.

  14. In Einstein's special theory of relativity he postulated that space bends in such a manner that the ability to reach an edge of the universe and, peek through the curtain, so to speak, is not a possibility. The bend would cause one to simply return to the starting point again, at which point I imagine the individual would be quite disappointed. Einstein said it best when he stated, "The universe is not only queerer than we suppose, it is queerer than we can suppose."

  15. I dont think there is any end to space

  16. we may not never ends..

  17. ppl say space has no end so if there were no gravity or masses in your way you could fall forever

  18. i dont think it ends.theres probably more solar systems,and more planets,and stars and stuff like that.

  19. Nothing but more space.. The distance is so great ,no one will ever know.

  20. i think theres a big place (BLACK HOLE) that is like a humangus compresor that can crush the earth in a zise of a marble :S

  21. A very large brick wall.

  22. Nobody has ever reached the end. But the common belief is that there is no end and I also believe in that.

  23. There is no end.

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