
What is australia like??

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What is australia like??




  1. Ill tell you one thing. I get annoyed so much when people say that we say "gday mate" every five seconds and "fair dinkim". What a crock of shizit. Most people tend to believe that when u land in australia you will fly onto a big strip or desert and all these kangaroos are jumping around WE HAVE CITIES LIKE EVERY OTHER COUNTRY and the desert is in the middle. I am 24; born and raised here. Ill tell everyone for a fact that I have not seen a kangaroo in about 5 years. People like it caus the people are cool... its hot and sunny everyday and its fun.

  2. I wnat to move there so bad.

  3. Its sort of big and has lots of woman with hairy backs. (So i,m told)

  4. Pretty big !

  5. oh man, it's absolutely AWESOME.

  6. mostly quite empty

    very hot

    full of flies

  7. Australia is like a continent, because it is a continent!

    There are about 21 million people there.  They are not all the same as each other.

  8. Hot!

  9. Big, lots of desert, large spiders, snakes, slightly odd people, hot weather, most likely country to suffer drought problems in the near future.

  10. oz is bigger than the main usa states. It has every weather, landscape, and people that you can imagine. It is however way too hot in 95% of the country, hence the reason i have lived in ireland for the past 7 years

  11. fabulous

  12. A vast Island Continent with very flat terrain . People are mostly concentrated around the Coastal Regions. A strong Government and a happy people but for the dwindling population of its Natives-- The Aborigines. The only way to get a feel of the place is to Visit it on Holiday .

  13. best place in the world!

  14. i know someone who just moved there awhile ago

    ive heard its really awesome.

  15. It's absolutely beautiful - i have family in Sydney and go back regularly.

  16. A hot Ireland!

    It used to be that the Aussies and the Irish kicked up quite  a bit of sh.. when they were away from their own countries. We have all met them - a convivial bunch.

    But they are different now. In the past 10 years or so both countries have become rich. That has had a huge effect on everybody in both countries; they can now hold up their head and look the world in the eye. They don't need to prove anything to anyone.

    Neither take prisoners - they do not suffer fools gladly - and you will feel the wrath of their tongue if you say something foolish.

    Both are beautiful countries to visit - I know both well (brought up in Ireland, but not Irish - son living in Oz now and annual visits; came back in Jan 08 after a two month visit).

    One country has too much water the other has had a ten year drought and things are getting serious - I mean, very, very serious, indeed. Having said that there were floods in North Queensland and in Melbourne recently; but for the most part things are really bad.

    A few things I noticed about Oz that may be of interest (this is away from the major tourist traps):

    1. The people are fantastically nice.

    2. They are more worried about the hot weather than we are .

    3. Houses in most cities are hugely expensive - You need much more than £500,000 cash to even consider buying in Sydney (well, you could get a poke for less but you wouldn't want to live there). In Adelaide prices are lower, but went up 25% last year.

    4. Most salaries are less than in the UK.

    5. In the shops - some things are more and some less expensive than the UK, things tend to even out. But cars are incredibly expensive.

    6. They still have butchers and greengrocers, so the quality of their meat, veg and fruit is superb. Thanks to the drought, though, getting more expensive.

    7. So, food is stunningly good in restaurants with such good and fresh ingredients. That togethether with

    8.  great, great wine makes going out a great experience. Adelaide has more restaurants per capita ( about 1 million) than any other city on earth. City dwellers are moving from beer to wine.

    9. Quality of life is much better in Oz. Everyone is happier when the sun shines (it isn't mega hot all the time - around the outside).

    10 They haven't got the hang of Aboriginals yet and are now following the apoligist route. Nice words but more practical things need to be done. They have started to try and sort out the mess.

    11 They dig lots of things out of the ground and send them around the world in exchange for money - a lot goes to industrialise China.

    12. It is amazing to be away from Europe. I had forgotten what it was like to live in a place where parliament rules. They make a new law and that's it. More and more we do things in the UK because "Europe says so"

    13 Australia is a very cosmopolitan society and becoming more and more Asian. There are lots of Asian Aussies about.

    14All are, rightly, quietly, very proud of their country.

    15 I was surprised to see the Union Jack on their flag. Yes, yes, what else would it have been, but it surprises me nonetheless.

    16 Houses outside the cities look as though a giant has squashed them - they are low and flat. Most live in bungalows that remind me of American/Florida holiday homes or traditional bungalows with tin roofs.

    17. They like sport! Any sport. My favourite is Aussie Rules Football  which is played in winter on the oval cricket pitches. Fantastic - go with the family.

    So, living there is great - good weather, great people, food, wine Just don't talk about the hassle (that I'm going through)  for a 60 year old to get a permanent resident visa!

  17. australia is quite boring. i lived there for 13 years. i have just moved here 7 weeks ago. i like England much more, even though its COLD! im now 14 by the way. but thats just me coz i lived there. its quite good in the summer though... when all the shoots are open!

  18. Australia, land of vegemite, stubbies, shelias and blokes.

    Australia is a great place to visit, and many people believe a great place to live. Ask any man in Australia over the age of 40 and he will tell you that "australia is the best country in the world", and most aussies believe that too!!

    The coastal towns are hot spots for tourists and residents alike, with summertime reaching the 40's its hard to imagine not being near a beach during this hot weather. But dont worry if your not, every home, shop and pub has air con, so you can rock up anywhere in your shorts and tank top and be ready to rumble.

    The inland of australia is a desert, with many wild beasts and creatures, sure there are spiders and snakes, and many are deadly, but you wont see many of these unless you are looking. Going to the desert alone is a big no no, and even just going for a walk in the bush is a bad idea, getting lost in the bush has killed many a seasoned bush walker.

    If you are looking to go for a holiday, Queensland, Sydney and Melbourne are the places to see, filled with great beaches, fantastic shopping and lots to do. There is so much tourist information out there, you cant really go wrong.

    If you are planning on moving to australia permanatly then you may need to consider your cercumstances, will your line of work earn you the same in australia? will you be able to afford to live in the city, which can be just as expensive as living in london or new york? Will you be able to stand the heat?

    Best of luck!!

  19. Brilliant.  It's just a shame that i've only a few months left on my visa, but i'm gonna go to new zealand, and i hope it's just as nice there

  20. HOT!!

    lots of kangaroos!!!:]

  21. It's like the best place in the world!! =)

    Don't believe me? --> Come see it for yourself as i'm sure  you weren't be dissapointed :D:D:D

  22. Fantastic, we had 2 holidays there last year and loved every second of it, we'd emigrate tomorrow if we were able to, the Australian people are so friendly and laid back, there is so much to see and do, the cost of living is cheaper as are houses, great food, great shops and wonderful beaches and the weather is better than ours too.

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