
What is automobile policy???

by  |  earlier

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some company call it car warrenty and while other call it automobile policy what is that??? as for my car of course i have insurance and i also own the car now paid all the payment already so what exactly is that i have post a thread earlier got 2 answer so far but 1 say i wont get in trouble another say i will




  1. Your question makes no sense.  It can't be/won't be answered the way you have posted it

  2. No way can I tell what you are asking.

  3. Most often "automobile policy" refers to insurance.

    A warranty is completely different, and is a policy that covers mechanical problems to a vehile.  Some dealers will give you a limited warranty on a vehicle as a selling point, but for the most part they come with the car at the point of sale, and most used cars are sold "as is."

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