
What is average experience level before going for Adv Open Water Diver cert?

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I'm just wondering approximately how many dives after getting OWD certification does the average diver go for the AOWD certification?

I'm guessing I'm not ready yet - I got my OWD in 9/2007 and have 4 tropical dives + 4 quarry dives since then (I live in Indiana). But I'm starting to become interested in the Peak Performance Buoyancy class, and maybe a couple others. Just curious to know if I would be way out of my league to try these now/soon.

If it would affect your answer - I have a dive trip to Hawaii planned for January, and will probably do 4-5 dives on that trip.




  1. Average? No average really.Comfort level with their skill sets is what counts. I've seen people go directly from the OW into AOW and others that took years.

    You have the skills to go after AOW now. You may want to get comfortable with that before proceeding is all. Your call and your Instructors.

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