
What is basketball?

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What is basketball?




  1. What is Basketball?? Bud, if you don't know what basketball is then you are not really that smart. But I'm almost positive you are kidding so I think that that was a great way to get a buch of answers. Very Funny :)

  2. it is a sport.

    Basketball is played by two teams who score points by throwing a ball into the opposing team's basket. The team who scores the most points are the winners.

    Each team has a squad of 12 players to choose from. Five of those players are allowed on the court at any one time, with unlimited substitutions.

    Players can move the ball around the court by passing, tapping, throwing, rolling or dribbling.

  3. it is a game played by two teams in which the players have to bounce or dribble the ball and trow or shoot it into a net placed high above the basketball court. this sport was invented in canada

  4. basketball is a game / sport that man and or woman play

  5. a game played by two opposing teams of usually five players on a rectangular, often wooden, court with a raised basket at each end: points are scored by tossing a ball through the basket at the opponent's end

  6. ur joking rite

  7. Basketball is basketball. Who doesnt know what basketball is? U know u have the orange ball :P and u shoot hoops.. :P

  8. Basketball is a soccer, which is played like handball, players (body shape) are like volleyball, and you should throw the ball in a circle hole (basket) like golf. And of course you should be as aggressive as martial arts.

  9. Basketball is a word.

    Basketball made out of 9 letter

    B, A , S , K, E , T , B , A , L, L

    hope i help

  10. A sport where u try 2 an orange ball in2 ur opponets hoop,

    u hav 2 drible the ball

    u cant hit sombody as there shooting

    u cant swat the ball down when its coming down

    and theres so many more rules
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