
What is beauty and how will we know it's beautiful?

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What is beauty and how will we know it's beautiful?




  1. def:  The quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses and is associated with such properties as harmony of form or color, excellence of artistry, truthfulness, and originality.

    but im sure u knew that definition. I think an object or subject that is gratifying to us for whatever reason is beautiful.  Something can be beautiful at one point, but once we discover an unpleasant fact about it, it can turn ugly but it was never-the-less still beautiful then, when the knowledge was missing.  So beauty is very subjective and based on each individual to create.  With no people, there would be no beauty because there would be no one to see it, like the tree falling in the woods.  The beauty is in our minds and created due to the sensory objects we have experienced.  We only associate it with that object but beauty isn't really in it, it is in us or really in our emotions and feelings.  So to answer your second part- You'll know.

  2. To be drawn into a thing without any ability to judge it otherwise. You will know it when you find yourself in this position.

  3. you'll know when you see it as it will be heartfelt.

  4. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

    whats beautiful to someone might not me so beautiful to someone Else.

  5. Beauty can be physical, emotional, and mental.

    Physical: Hot bod and handsome face like Christian Bale's

    Emotional: Love; the birth of your child; when you help someone

    Mental: Dreaming of Christian Bale (Yes I'm obsessed!)

    HOW do we know it's beautiful?   It will make you feel good inside..Your heart will feel it.

  6. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  You will know when your mind is clear.  The clutter keeps us from seeing the "real" beauty of this world.  

    When you allow yourself to face the obstacles in your life and let them go, you begin to see beauty all around you.  

    This is a "reawakening" or a "renewing" of the spirit each day.  

    Sometimes the clutter or veil looms over our eyes and you know the beauty is there, but just can't get your eyes clear enough.  Then one day you see a double rainbow in the midst of your agony and you stand in awe.  This is beauty.

  7. Objective beauty has certain traits that transcend culture and ages.

    Symmetry, the golden ratio, rational simplicity.

    These things are often valued as aesthetically pleasing.

    subjective beauty "beauty in the eye of the beholder" is based upon subjective values and abstract qualities.

  8. beuaty is a standerd of good apearence based on mostly what our culture has taught us. God forbid we think of what is beautiful to us by ourselves no no we need society with few exeptions. We know if something is beautiful if it give us pleasure to see it.

  9. I think that beauty is a measure of judgement with which we classify specific moments in our lives...It is largely a matter of opinion. Like when you see a paricular sunset- you may think it is beautiful and you may wish to capture it with a camera so that you can remember it later. Someone else, however, may think that it isn't a very special scene and that they have seen better sunsets before. So actually- anything that you feel happiness with and that you deeply treasure is beautiful.  

  10. its easy on the eyessssss

    ahaha idk [[:

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