
What is became first egg or hen?

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What is became first egg or hen?




  1. Hen

  2. obviously not the hen

  3. A semi 99.99% hen laid an egg with a mutation which later became the standard100% hen.

  4. The egghen

  5. something that wasn't a hen, but was an ancestor, laid an egg, and something mutated, and that egg hatched and grew up to be something new, a hen

  6. go watch x-hen!

  7. hen....................

  8. The Bible says that God made animals, not eggs. So the answer is the Hen

  9. men

  10. Egg----its proved

  11. This is a scientific and yet philosophical question... I think it is the egg that came first, otherwise how wld the chicken pop out? It didn't fly by a stork.

  12. egg easy.  then that egg evolved into something else and we got hens eventually!

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