
What is bedding? (bedding for my rabbit)

by  |  earlier

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So I know most people have a hard plastic bottom for their rabbit cage. But for some reason, I got a wired one with a tray underneath, I know it will probably be uncomfortable for the little baby. What am I suppose to do with the bedding? Put it in the litter box? In the tray?




  1. Most cages have a wire base with another bottom to catch debris. I suggest cedar and alfalfa bedding they ll eat it but they will separate it through and it cuts down the parasites.

  2. you could put newspaper at the bottom then cover it w. the bedding so it wont fall off. or u could put the bedding down w/o the newspaper. or u could also let ur bun stay on the cage w/o the bedding. if its a mini rex i wouldnt do that though their feet are realy tender.

  3. You want to lay out newspaper, plastic mat etc on the wire bottom because this will make bunny more comfortable. Then you can lay bedding.

  4. I would fill the tray fully or at least halfway with shredded newspaper, or preferably recycled paper, which you can easily find at a pet store. As long as your rabbit has somewhere soft to sit on, he should be fine. His litter box can be filled with the same bedding, or more absorbent litter.  

  5. You definatly need to get something to cover the wire bottem on the cage so the rabbits feet arnt always directly on that. Rabbits whose feet are always in direct contact with a wired bottem cage get what is called sore hocks. Its where it rubs all the fur off the bottem of the rabbits foot and it doesnt feel very good. My rabbit got this from soft plastic bottem cage. Cant figure out why though and neither could the vet. Just put some blankets or something like that down.

  6. A wire-bottomed cage is perfectly fine. I prefer these because they are cleaner and keep the rabbit off the dirty litter.

    Wire does not contribute any more to sore hocks than any other surface. I've actually known more house rabbits (that live on carpet) get sore hocks than rabbits who live on wire.

    The reason some rabbits will get sore feet is because their feet are small in proportion to their body size (causing a lot of pressure to their feet), or because their feet are not well-furred, in the case of breeds like the Rex and Mini Rex rabbit.

    Because your rabbit is on wire, I do suggest giving the rabbit a resting spot of some kind. At our dollar store, they have sink mats (the mats that go in the bottom of the sink to keep food from going down the drain). These mats have holes in it, like the wire, allowing waste to go through. But the plastic is obviously a little softer on the feet and allows better weight distribution on the wire. Another option is just a piece of untreated wood, or even an old towel. It's good to have something in the cage at all times for relief from the wire. But a wire cage is definitely not a bad thing!

    Hope this helps!

  7. You want to put bedding and then hay on top in the litter box for the rabbit.

    Wire bottom cages are not good for their feet. You can put down seagrass mats or carpet if they do not chew or dig at it but seagrass mats are better.

  8. Get a different cage then. A wire bottom isn't just uncomfortable, it can cause sore hocks, plus the rabbits can't eat their cecal pellets which is an important part of their digestive process.

    If you litter train your rabbit you'll only need litter in the litterbox.

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