
What is beef heart and where can i get it?

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What is beef heart and where can i get it?




  1. It is the heart of a cattle beast and you will probably have to order it.

    Years ago it was real cheap and we used it as cat food.

  2. Thats like asking what chicken wings are or whos burried in Grants tomb,your kidding ...right? But it is like the best steak you ever had,slice it into strips  fry it quickly in garlic and oil w/ lots of salt and go to town its great anyone would love it, untill you tell them what it is then watch the immaturity come out,  they'll eat  sausage (meat and *** fat stuffed into an intestine) but not heart.   Enjoy.

  3. It is literally the heart of a beef steer.  

    To locate one, you will likely need to place an advance order (on average 2-3 days) with a specialty butcher that deals with special requests and rare meats.  An ethnic butcher who deals with european foods also might be able to help.  Unfortunately many grocery stores do not have the capacity to order something this special, so you will probably end up having to locate an independent butcher that can do this for you.  The service will probably be better from the independent butcher as well, as many chain grocery stores have started mass packaging their meats in central locations and the personnel in the larger stores have little formal training in this sort of thing.  You can certainly try your local grocery store, but don't be surprised if they give you a funny look or do not know what you are asking for.  

  4. Beef heart is exactly that:  beef heart!  Although I see it periodically in the meat dept. you might want to check with your butcher and see if he can order you one.  My mom used to make a cornbread stuffing and stuff it, then roast it in the oven.  Yummmmm.

  5. Beef heart is what it sounds like; Cow's heart. You can get it from Asian foodstores. You know, where people buy their slaps of Ox Tail and stuff.

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