
What is behind the strong intuition that folks on Y/A's are 1 day "family" and the NEXT;Total STRANGERS???

by  |  earlier

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What leads or tends to such a discrepancy?

Is it the anonymity that allows one to come and go, irresponsibly?

Is is the convenience to think that without consequences, one can SIMPLY run hot or cold?

Does anyone out there with integrity, not mockery or any more foolishness which s dissipates WHOEVER you are in actuality give an honestly felt answer to this question?

Perhaps this is JUST ANOTHER of today's stab one in the back technique, aided to become more and more, a conscienceless VIRTUAL reality - which is "fun" and only that?


I have observed what people seem to have left behind of their selves...but please do shock me to the limit : Is this how TRULY a sad, clownish bunch we have become?

With not much honour left to offer one another?

If so, what do you expect would be the next, almost to be the last nail on the virtual human coffin?

That is mainly the tragic issue here, so many times, and often represented!

Anyone out there both in virtuality and actuality being of integrity, would you answer this?

Anyone else please DO spare me another answer which exposes the worst of you?

Thank you. All honest answers appreciated.




  1. I agree focus on the Positive  .Do you have a poem for tonight  ...............  mine is  A Red, Red Rose

    by Robert Burns

    O my luve's like a red, red rose.

    That's newly sprung in June;

    O my luve's like a melodie

    That's sweetly play'd in tune.

    As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,

    So deep in luve am I;

    And I will love thee still, my Dear,

    Till a'the seas gang dry.

    Till a' the seas gang dry, my Dear,

    And the rocks melt wi' the sun:

    I will luve thee still, my Dear,

    While the sands o'life shall run.

    And fare thee weel my only Luve!

    And fare thee weel a while!

    And I will come again, my Luve,

    Tho' it were ten thousand mile!

    I do hope you like it . YOUR Friend Forever G.  garrry XXXXX

  2. I understand your frustration.

    However, many people peruse this site and offer up answers just to pass the time or to express feelings that they wouldn't manifest in real life.

    Yes, the anonymity plays a huge part in allowing us to be blunt, brutally honest, completely truthful...  But, unfortunately, it also allows us to be vicious, dismissive and downright offensive.

    I usually resolve this conflict or dichotomy by focusing on the positive aspects of this site.  For me, YA provides me an opportunity to help someone who is struggling to resolve a personal issue.  But, it also gives me the flexibility to be completely honest.

    There are many good aspects to this site.  We just need to focus on the positive.

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