
What is being done to all the pilots who have worked for Aloha, ATA and Skybus? In total, they must be........

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...... several pilots, right (maybe more than 1000?).... So with so much commercial pilots out there, who will hire at other companies, it should be VERY difficult for beginners to get a job at an airline, because so much pilots (and experienced ones) are now on the search, right?




  1. Local Hawaiian radio stations announced that Aloha and ATA employees will be given priority to any jobs in Hawaii.  (changed the Constitution overnight).  No word on ATA employees in Indy or Skybus in Ohio.  Union may have other ideas.

  2. The new, young, inexperianced can be hired for cheap.

  3. They are treated the exact same way anyone who loses a job would be.  They are thrown into the world and asked to comete for the same jobs as everyone else.  They do have plenty of experience and should be able to land on their feet as long as they can manage to survive that first year pay.

    There are a few major airlines hiring right now so they will be able to find jobs, however they are just dumped onto the bottom of the seniority list at a new company.

    It sucks but unfortunately thats how this industry has always been and will always continue to be.

  4. Well, if the acquiring airlines are also covering those routes, they will still need sufficient crews to fly, and have spares on hand.  Also, it will depend on what the union (if they are union members-most would be) has worked out with the airlines.  But in general, yep, tough job market for newbies...

  5. It's not the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last.  There will be fewer vacancies for newbie pilots for a while until things shake themselves out, then it'll be back to business as usual.

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