
What is being done to stop Russia attacking Georgia And keep Europe free from Russian imperialist aggression??

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Russia has just invaded Georgia. This is soooooooooooo bad. We must stop Russia!!!

Europe is now free but last century half of Europe suffered under Russian yoke. Russia can't be allowed to dominate Europe again




  1. First of all you need to stop Georgia from attacking South Osettia and kill innocent people and peacekeeping forces there. Do that first and your question will be needless. Russia have never had any intent attack anyone.

  2. Obama is going to talk and reason with them like Jimmy did just before they invaded Afghanistan

    Guess is it overdo for us no good, worthless Americans to have to rescue the Europeans AGAIN

  3. Ignorance is a choice.  A very poor choice.

  4. Try minding your own business, the United States has proven far more aggressive than Russia over the years

  5. Just because the United States Government sees it that way doesn't mean its true. The only reason the US isn't on South Ossetia's side is because Georgia is the 3rd largest contributor of troops to the IMPERIALIST occupation of Iraq.

    Russia is not attacking Georgia. Georgia is attacking South Ossetia, a defacto independent republic since the early 90s. and russia is aiding them in defense and peace keeping.

    Does anyone find it odd that Georgia decided to wait until the world is distracted by the olympics to re-annex a country that has been independent for 15 years?

    Abkhazia, South Osetia, It seems like NO ONE wants to be part of Georgia.

  6. good luck with that....  

  7. Yeah, ok, we're gettin right on that. Why don't you run on over there and check it out while we get ready.

  8. We gotta stay away from those situations. Nobody thanked us when we liberated Iraq from a dictator.

  9. Well go ahead and try. Just think for one minute why we're not doing anything. Actually, answer this question:

    Whats mad, has a penchant for vodka and can destroy the world in the space of fifteen minutes?

  10. I don't think there's anything you can do.  Imperialist countries that invade and conquer other countries (USA, Russia, China, etc.) are pretty much power-hungry super powers that don't care about people as long as their agenda is furthered.

  11. That's why NATO was created.

  12. I hope the EU sends a force Russia has no right to inavde into Georgia territory I hope the EU and the US send forces Russia is in viloation of Un mandates the whole woerld went in a uproar when the US and the colotion invaded Iraq so why not now we had a reason to invade a nation Russia does not....

  13. Very little. The U.N. can't do anything because Russia will vote against it.

    This has been compared to Afghanistan in the 80's and to Czechoslovakia and Hungary.

    I'm just hoping that Georgia doesn't end up as bad as them.  

  14. What would you suggest we do?

    Do you have a plan to keep you and your loved ones safe during a nuclear war?

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