
What is being done to stop Russia attacking Georgia

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Russia has just invaded Georgia. This is soooooooooooo bad. We must stop Russia!!!

Europe is now free but last century half of Europe suffered under Russian yoke. Russia can't be allowed to dominate Europe again




  1. the united states must take the lead and get the UN and europe to standup to this invasion that coincided with the olympics to not be in the spot light.

  2. Grrr I hate Russia, they should be nuked. Theyre pure evil and their president is a shameless liar.

    Hey idiot under me: do you also believe that the russians soldiers there are ''volunteers'' whom russian government ''cannot stop''??? You must be russian or simply very stupid.

  3. its really in a way amusing how US media selectively post information so they can manipulate ignorant individuals like you're. They never cover the full story - only the part that is suitable for their dirty game. For your information Russia didn't invade Georgia. in short Georgia attacked Osetia and started ethnic cleaning (which was there for awhile... talking about genocide). then they attack Russian peace keepers. IF anyone really interested on objective side of the story - go read international sources and not that BS that is posted on CNN and most of  the US websites.

    What really saddens me that Saakashvili  is total idiot.  Aside that he's American set up w***e, now Georgia will never be accepted to NATO (which is really make me personally very happy) and Russia totally cut off any type of relation with that country. What can i say. Great job, moron!

    P.S. Georgian indeed are very nice people.  

  4. You're completely ignoring the fact that Georgia was the one that brought troops into the breakaway region of South Ossetia. Russia is protecting its citizens, which a large number of South Ossetians are. Considering how pro-Kosovo you were just a few months ago, it is surprising to see you deny the independence of a region that has far more right to be independent than the sham that is Kosovo.

    Bullshit. Ossetians have always been a majority there. You would have known that if you had at least bothered to read Wikipedia ( ). I can throw the refugee card right back at you - care to estimate the number of Serbians that had to flee from Kosovo?

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