
What is being done to stop human overpopulation?

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What is being done to stop human overpopulation?




  1. nothing.condoms, pills hormone plasters and other anti-baby methods are developed but because of religions , beliefs and poverty they are not being used.

  2. Nothing. it's not recognized as a problem yet.

  3. Over population actually isn't the problem, it's greed.

    The people in this world who have the lions share of the money refuse to help the less fortunate, I.E. the homeless, starving families in third world countries, and etc.

    There is enough food to go around, but the producer of such products will NOT give it away without someone being the paying consumer.

  4. Actually this has been a worry for centuries now. Anyways, centuries ago the old biblical four horsemen personified the forces that kept humanity's numbers in check: War, Starvation, and Pestilence, all these roads at least lead eventually to Death. Modern social organisation and technology coupled with Compassion challenged the old population limits, so now humanity has to sort itself out with self-imposed limits or Ye' Old Horsemen will ride again.

    As for the "minority" comment, traditionally agricultural societies had families that needed large numbers to run the farms (even in the West this was and still is true for the most part in our agricultural regions), just that as times passes on in under-developed countries and ignorance settled in with war and civil crises, people forget why they needed large families as they lose farm-land or are displaced but yet just keep on having kids. Basically ignorance and hazy cultural traditions keep some large families expanding. In the worst cases though some people are just socially irresponsible are not socially conscious, so they just keep on having kids without any considerations. Also in some nations, women do not have the social option of saying no to being "baby-portals" and some males are under cultural pressures to keep on having kids, it's a pretty messed up situation.

    On a national level, not a lot of politicians have the will or power to tell their people to stop having children, the only nation to enforce limits on popluation that I am aware of is the People's Republic of China, and their government isn't exactly the darling of the international community at the moment for their domestic policies.

    Oh yeah and before I forget, religion plays an absolutely huge role in the development or lack of development in birth control policies and technology.

  5. I think that nature has that one in check. When a place becomes overpopulated disease ensues, food becomes scare, women become infertile. If we have an over- abundance of resources, we have obesity, disease, mental illnesses, toys,i.e., cars etc. that kill us, this limiting our population. We tend to have less children and later in life. So I don't think we will ever have overpopulation for long.

  6. Well where do we start? Are you ready for this...? Dr Gallow in the US biological weapons dept was funded by congress to  invent a virus to lower the black population in S.Africa in the late 60's early 70's it eventually took affect in the 80's, its name Aids (Fact, research it! start at

    Vaccines that they give babies with their brains still undeveloped, the ingeedients include:

    MECUARY (an aluminium waste product is the 2d most TOXIC substance on earth!)

    Phenol (carbolic ACID) Borax (an ANT KILLER!)


    Antifreeze and other poisons!

    The flue jab also contain the same ingredients, almost all doctors to not let them or their families take the vaccines, FACT.

    Children in the USA will have to have 35 vaccinations in their life time and it’s mandatory!   Vaccines are cancer viruses and it sterilizes women.  You get cancer and the government make so much money out of your illness before you die! In the UK the government has just announced that all teenage girls are to get the vaccination to protect them against cervical cancer.  More people die from cervical cancer when they take the vaccination than those who do not, fact.  More people die from chemotherapy than those who do not take it, fact.  

    Fluoride in our water - leads to alzimers, destroys the thyroid gland and gives you cancer.  Fluoride is the main ingredient in rat poison, uranium and nuclear weapons!

    Mercury poison in the mouth ( go to You Tube and type in 'poison in the mouth' and you will physically see the mercury flowing up form an extracted tooth.  Mercury leads to Alzimers, M.S. Cancer and many other diseases.

    The pharmaceutical company is the se4cond largest money making industry after oil.  They get you addicted to synthetic chemical drugs which cause cancer.

    They spray our crops and city’s with chemicals; our processed foods are full of cancer virus chemicals.

    In 1968 the US released chemical gases in the New York subway to see what affect it would have on the people...death and illness resulted although you won’t see any of this on mainstream media.   After the war the US transferred all the remaining n**i scientists to America in an operation called Paper clip.  There’s much more....

    Go to

  7. in some places like china they have the one child rule, etc. but for the most part that an ethical issue- should there be a limit on how many children one can have?

  8. Nothing, people have kids 1 after another.  Especially minorities.  I'm not racist, but it seems that way.

  9. Nature controls the rule of 0 population growth....people are dying out as others are being born.

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