
What is being taught in s*x ed nowadays?

by Guest60823  |  earlier

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I'm curious. I'm 30 and I only remember general health classes learning about the female repro system. And in 9th grade where we had a semester detailing every STD. Looking back, I don't recall anything on how to prevent pregnancy besides abstinence. Maybe I was caught in a school system that had "Abstinence and nothing else".

What's your opinion on this? Should it be a part of s*x ed to teach teens how to prevent pregnancy? Or do you think that giving teens information like this encourages them to have s*x?

My opinion is that birth control (condoms, etc) should be talked about and statistics given, I'm even for condoms being available. But I do think that it should be stressed that abstinence is the only foolproof way to prevent pregnancy, and that ANY TIME a p***s enters a v****a, pregnancy can occur.

Your thoughts?




  1. well I'm going in to 8th grade and they don't talk that much about s*x ed, but they do tell us the dangers of it and disease that can be spred.

    We talk more about how to stay healtheir!

  2. Most schools with government funding teach abstinence only, and only explain STD's and pregnancy.  My nephew is 16 and hasn't even been through it yet, so we'll see if next year he gets any sort of s*x education.

  3. I'd be willing to bet that options for contraception are endorsed far more than the virtues of abstinence.

    Nowadays, people think that abstinence is unrealistic.  Imagine that!

  4. Ohh nothing much. Im in grade 11 and they just say safe s*x blah blah blah and give you condoms. s*x ed is nothing really.

  5. in my school they teach about all the ways to prevent pregnancy including condoms, birth control, abstinence, ect. i guess its because there are alot of pregnant girls at my school. this year there were two girls that gave birth and four girls that got pregnant, and we have less than 300 students. alot of statistics were given and we even had a test about it. i guess they know that everyone at the school is having s*x.

  6. At my school they teach abstinence only s*x ed. The word condom wasn't even mentioned once. Personally, I don't think that s*x ed will ever really be able to discourage teens from having s*x, so they might as well teach safer s*x as well as abstinence.

  7. Birthcontrol options, responsibilities of raising a baby, condoms and how to use them properly, pregnancy tests including labor and delivery.  STD's are discussed to great detail and people are brought in usually that have suffered from an STD especially HIV.  THat pulling out isn't a BC method and fails, they talked about precum and how pregnancy occurs.

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