
What is best bank in UAE to open account?

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What is best bank in UAE to open account?




  1. standard chartered, NBD.. as they have most ATM's which and only which you will need everytime.

  2. In Abu Dhabi,

    National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) or

    Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB) {Both of them have many branches and ATM network is excellent and for ADCB NRI Online services are great)

    For Salary Account, best option is Dubai Bank (UAE switch transactions are 100% free/no charges in other bank ATMs, so no need to check for same bank ATM machines...)

    HSBC Services are great but having only few branches and ATM network.

    Best of Luck


  3. Honestly, it does not really matter. They are all c**p and the service is horrible. We have had less issues with HSBC than any other bank.

  4. In general the best services are from National banks. Personally I was very very satisfied with NBD (National Bank of Dubai). But since now they are in the process of merging with Emirates Bank, the service quality has dropped a bit towards Emirates Banks level, but I'm sure they will boost it up again.

    In NBD, all Internet, Telephone, mail, ... services are outstanding and hassle free.

  5. Emirates Bank seems to best the best in Dubai.  ABN Amro is horrible with their customer service, and their location is very hard to get to.  Emirates Bank has several locations and internet banking.  They will also open a account, even if you do not have a resident visa.

  6. We have had the most problems with HSBC.  I've been doing really well with Citibank so far, but anything could happen.  They all suck, but wanted to find one that has branches in our home country as it can make sending money home a bit easier.

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