
What is best eco friendly or organic things?

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What is best eco friendly or organic things?




  1. You know I think both are pretty good, bottom line is that you want to try and help the environment and your own health as well. Organic is usually a way to go because its better for you and it doesnt pollute your body. Eco Friendly helps in terms of not polluting your environment. I do what I can to try to help but I dont necessarily eat stright organic foods and drive an eco friendly vehicle. I think as long as you sort of educate yourself in terms of whats better for your health etc that you can start to make some changes. You'd be amazed at how many chemicals we put into our bodies in terms of food, whats on our clothing, our shampoos, chap sticks and in what we cook with....that isnt very good for you. Pots and pans that have the non stick technology, basically the chemicals found in teflon and plastics, affect a women and her cycles and in some fertility. I just found that out recently from one of my doctors. So its these sorts of things that you sort of learn more about as you go. To be more eco friendly and try to eat somewhat organically, you'll notice a change in how you feel...there really is a difference. In regaurds to chapsticks, shampoos etc....those get into your body through your skin.  :) You dont eat them, obviously.  Also I just remembered hearing about the hormones injected into the cattle, in which produce our milk...the hormones are than transferred in our milk and it has been found to cause young girls and boys to develop a lot sooner than the norm. So anyway, eco friendly AND organic, is best. Theres alot of pros for both, and they work together.

  2. In terms of what? Are you talking about products (what kind of products), lifestyle, what?

    Any organic food is great, but best if you can grow it yourself or buy it locally grown...

  3. Organic things are a scam to cost u Moore. I have an apple grown without any pesticides and they had warts all over them where insects had put there eggs in to grow.

  4. locally bought  and raised organic produce is excellent.

    Cloth shopping bags instead of plastic

    CFL lightbulbs.  The new low-energy using ones.

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