
What is best (or worst) cliche(s) that have been used in the 2008 presidential elections?

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What is best (or worst) cliche(s) that have been used in the 2008 presidential elections?




  1. Hope and Change. Change We Can Believe In.

  2. worst is definitely "HOPE and CHANGE" that wins hands down

  3. that's even lame for a Democrat...

  4. The worst cliche is hearing the word change come from the Republican Party.  Service gets on my nerves too. Half the people in the room don't know what its like to bust their butt in a job for minimum wage.

  5. John Mccain For President 2008

    Hillary Clinton For President 2012

  6. Chaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggeeee...

  7. "We are all God's children. And we are all Americans." -McCain

    Sounded like a children's book.

  8. That Whatsername (Osama's wife) is proud of her country. We all know she isn't.

  9. Throwing _________ under the bus.

  10. "This is what Hillary does whenever she's under fire, she retreats behind the apron strings."

    d**k Morris, Republican misogynist bigot  

  11. my name is so and so and i approve this message

    gayyyy get a new slogan people

  12. tax the poor and feed the rich by the fascist conservatives,

  13. Obama and change...YA RIGHT! The dude is a fraud!

  14. I don't know which one is worse:  

    drill, baby, drill

    hot chick from a cool state

  15. Worst Hope and Change, after a while it becomes annoying

    Best, thats tougher, But I liked I'll fight for you, in John McCains speech at the RNC

    McCain/Palin 2008

  16. Worst McSame

    Best He's written two memoirs...

  17. My friends, I was a POW.

  18. POW..

    ok we all know by now, thanks we appreciate it now talk about the economy

  19. Hope/Change

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