
What is best thing to do about neighbour who feeds seagulls?

by  |  earlier

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Put an anonymous note through his door telling him to stop? Reporting him to the council? Pouring bird food all over his door and car and see how he likes getting sh*t all over his property?

Seriously, my area has bird sh*t everywhere it is revolting.




  1. I vote for pouring bird seed all over his stuff. I would definitely report him though as well. That is ridiculous.

  2. Buy an Eagle.

  3. You could nicely ask him to feed the birds away from your area & show him the mess they make.  He may not realize the inconvenience to you.  No need to be hostile 1st--save that for if he refuses to play nice.

  4. I would call the local authorities to ask what they can do about it.

    Although, your bird seed idea might be quite effective, as it is a novel idea!

  5. It's also a violation of public health laws.  Report him to the authorities.

  6. oh come on its just a little  bird c**p  

  7. The New York TImes had an article about a woman who feeds 10,000 pigeons in NYC.   She makes everyone mad.  A court told her to stop.  She cheated.  They followed her at night and found her with 50 pounds of seeds.  You can't do anything.  It's almost a mental illness like the people who own 50 cats. /

  8. Buy a shotgun?

  9. You could report him for it, since feeding those disgusting things is usually discouraged.

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